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About the Ely Nordic Ski Club

A Volunteer Run, 501(c3) Non-profit Organization

The Ely Nordic Ski Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization run by volunteers. We focus our efforts towards the Hidden Valley Recreation Area (HVRA) located on the east end of Ely, Minnesota. As a club, we are responsible for the building & maintaining the HVRA trail system for year-round use as well as maintaining and managing the Hidden Valley Chalet/facilities. While open to the public, this year-round trail system is most heavily used by youth ski programs such as, the Ely Youth Ski League, the Ely Nordic Wolves ski team. and Team Borealis Youth MTB

The Hidden Valley Recreation Area trails are for non-motorized use and are part of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) Grant-In-Aid program. As such, you are required to have a Minnesota Ski Pass when using the trails in the winter.

Your membership dues represent support for our thriving northern community which embraces life sports that enhance the health and well-being of individuals and families. Our operating expenses depend on your membership dues. Please become a member of the Ely Nordic Ski and Bike Club!

Our operating expenses consist of:

  • Year-round maintenance of the trail bed on 25+ kilometers of trail including trail mowing in summer and fall.
  • Maintaining and running 4 snow machines and various equipment for winter trail grooming.
  • Up-to-date signage and maps for trail users.
  • Maintaining the Hidden Valley Chalet; heating, utilities, upkeep, and facility rental.
  • Facilitating and training skilled groomers for winter trail grooming.

About The Club

Ely has a heritage of cross-country skiing dating back to its 1888 founding. Ely’s Scandinavian settlers and their descendants took to skis for wilderness travel and fun. A number of ski clubs and groups have held races, ski-jumping, and downhill skiing operations down through the years. It was 1989 when Bob Cary and Bob Sommers got together a hardy bunch of volunteers to plan out new ski trails near the Hidden Valley Chalet.

This reincarnation of the historical Ely ski clubs grew as the trails did, with hard labor, persistence, and dedication. As the club attracted new members and generated support, the trails became the best groomed in the area. The development of Hidden Valley into a premiere Nordic Ski Area has aided the growth of the High School’s Nordic Ski Program-the Ely Nordic Wolves and created the largest Minnesota Youth Ski League (which involves over 120 children from ages 4 to 14 participating in ski classes every Sunday throughout January and February).

Ely Nordic Ski Club has become an integral part of the Ely community. The renovation of the Hidden Valley Chalet was accomplished by hundreds of volunteer hours from local skiers and non-skiers. Many local businesses donated supplies and materials. All proceeds from the Hidden Valley Chalet rentals go back into the maintenance of the building. Ely Nordic Ski Club is a nonprofit organization.

Board Of Directors

The Board of Directors for the Ely Nordic Ski & Bike Club consists of 10 volunteer members.  Board term length is 3 years with 1/3 elected annually.

Monthly Board meetings are open to the public and scheduled on the first Monday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Hidden Valley Chalet.  Meetings are subject to change and will be announced accordingly. Meetings usually last 1-1/2 to 2 hours depending on agenda topics.

Current Board members are:

Brett Ross

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Wayne Pasmick
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Travis Durkin
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Mark Sponholz
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Brian Minor

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NJ Gates

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Cindy Gardner

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Megan Sisson

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AJ Ostlund

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